Saturday, September 19, 2009

the problem with having your loved one as a photographer... that not only will they make you crack up while taking VERY SERIOUS SHOP UPDATE PHOTOS, but they will also never say "baby, your hair looks kinda janky" when your hair looks seriously janky. i can take better pictures of myself:

but ONLY in the bathroom mirror. note to self: buy a goddamn tripod already. and make andrew stay inside where i can't see his monkey faces on shop update day. sheesh.

lots of new dresses coming for the shop. lots of lovely plus size additions ESPECIALLY, thanks to a birthday thrift-trip in western ny. yay! keep your eyes glued to the shop this week, lovelies. xoxo!


  1. Or maybe set up a mirror next to Andrew so that you can see what he sees and check your hair or whatever. You don't have to look right at him, either, if that'll help keep you from cracking up! Not that flashing your dimples is a bad thing...

    I'm glad to see you modeling!

  2. HAY HI! i'm glad to have finally convinced him, but i swear i need to just get a tripod and be done with it. i take better pics of myself than he does and it will avoid the inevitable tantrums :B he thinks every picture of me is great, but obviously some are better than others...

    he was totally making faces and squatting and making me laugh ON PURPOSE saturday, though. bad boyfriend/photog!

    we need to hang out. NEED. i miss you.

  3. Haha! I know the feelings, I photograph people all the time (it's my job though) but when it comes to taking picture of myself it's just terrible, I have many tripods but gets lazy in setting it up, I don't have anyone in the family would take pictures, all of them busy and if one did, I will fee very awkward!

    I think your pictures turned out beautifully, it looks all natural and sweet :)


hello, i love you, won't you tell me your name?