Monday, August 31, 2009

p.s. to my snotty friend sally who doesn't even read this!

i succumbed. i am reading the fucking twilight books. commence ribbing.



  1. Yes, nasty old rag, I read this! BAH! I just subscribe through google, not blogger. I like to be secret!

    Nah, the books are ok, you'll like the trashy, lust, desperation and drama. I liked the Sookie Stackhouse books more, because you know - the fucking.

    Did you get my 1000 calls? Ruby left a breathy message too, which ended early as she tried to grab my coffee.

  2. And I don't judge you, because you know. Superior.

  3. HA, mean cow :B

    i did NOT get the so-called half hour message! there was one on my celly, but that was very short and cut off quickly after you said goodbye :( was it on our home phone? if so, it didn't record! i was devastated, boo! sad!

    i looked for the sookie stackhouse books at the library, too, but they were all checked out. SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!!!!

  4. I don't know if you ever read these but I LOVED them when I was between 12 and 16 - the OTHER Twilight series and i'm on a mission to collect all 26 of them again..

    I watch the Twilight movies, but the books are brutal. Brutal!

  5. OOH those sound fab....hahaha i'm so HOOKED :(


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